
What You Need To Know About Givers Forum

GIVERS FORUM is a community of givers, people who provide each other financial help on the principle of “Give, it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over…” In GIVERS FORUM you don’t have to make contracts or pledge your property, there are no lenders and no debtors. Everything is very simple: one participant asks for help — another one helps.

The only thing that GIVERS FORUM demands from its participants is to be honest and kind to each other. You ask for financial help when you need it, you give financial help when you are able to do it.
There is no central account, where all the System money flows to (and where it can be easily stolen from). All the money is only in the bank accounts of the participants themselves! In a lot of thousand and million private accounts. Participants transfer to each other directly, without intermediaries! (What are they for? : HOUSING) In fact, GIVERS FORUM only regulates the process and makes available to members several affordable housing projects across the nation — nothing more.

So the System completely belongs to the people. No kidding! It is a real mutual aid fund where ordinary people help each other to fulfil one of the most important needs in life.
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