South Africans, you take a life just because he doesn't share same
nationality as you? Shame on
you as a people (for not publicly condemning this) Shame on you as a country (for not putting a stop to it). Shame on your president (for not having said anything about this so far). Shame on your security forces for
standing by and allowing this
to happen. Shame on the Zulu King who started this with his careless
utterances. Shame on the stupid uneducated hoodlums carrying out these
attacks. Miserable, lazy f*cks who blame their failure in life on
foreigners, as if if all foreigners left, their lives would be better or
they would be able to make a difference in their country.
you as a people (for not publicly condemning this) Shame on you as a country (for not putting a stop to it). Shame on your president (for not having said anything about this so far). Shame on your security forces for
have you South Africans who claim to be against this not taken to the
streets to march against Xenophobia? Why are you not speaking out?
haven't your government deployed troops to the streets to stop the
destruction of property and killing of innocent people - including
Last week they set fire to a car dealership owned by a foreigner, destroying ten cars.
are now thousands of black foreigners living in police barracks because
you've taken their source of livelihood, stolen from them and
threatened to kill them.