
Another Married Lady Cries Out… my husband has turned me to punching bag

To say many marriage are troubled in one way or the other today, is to state the obvious. But what I often tell couples is to remember how they started; how much you loved this woman or this man and what kept you together. With that, you will be able to overlook and build a loving family.

Another victim of domestic violence, Mary Osagie Eremiokhale has cried out following series of beatings she’s got from her husband. Read her touching story below:

“Please help me to post this. I write this with tears all over my eye. I can’t even see very well right now. Everyone is celebrating the new year, this is how I am celebrating mine. I ve lived 10 years of my marriage life like this. First year of marriage he beat me up to point of death, I ran away to my father’s house he came that it will not repeat itself again, daddy told me he has collected my bride price he can not accept me back to the house I should follow my hubby.
It continued till I had all my 4 kids hubby keeps using me as punching bag. Where will I go to? My dad will not accept me back to the house because he claimed he has eaten and drank from my head so i had to endure. Today again 2nd of the year 2017 he has resumed duty as a boxer. I don’t have anywhere else to go, no one to turn to in times like this.
Daddy will not allow me a shelter he claimed its an abomination harboring a married woman in the house after collecting her bride price. Is this how my life will remain forever? Should I remain here to die because my bride price has been paid?
I have no other place to go, no one else to tell my story.

“Please my beloved… I need your advice. What do I do??”
I wish she left her husband’s number. I could have called him and talk some sense into him. Sigh!
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