
God Told Me That Our Girl Child Don’t Deserve Education – Husband Tells Wife

A mother of two, identified as Mary on Thursday, narrated to the Ile-Tuntun Customary Court in Ibadan, Oyo State, that her husband told her that God revealed to him not to send their daughter to school.

The 25-year-old marriage between Mary and her husband, Apostle Ayoku Israel was brought to an end at Court over the claims.

Mary told the court that her husband had, for their 25 years of marriage, been insensitive to anything happening to her and that he had refused to send their children to school.

She said, “My lord, I was sick for seven years, Ayoku neither bothered to know my whereabouts nor give me anything for treatment.

“Ayoku did not marry me legally; he did nothing to know my parents and even refused my bearing his name. Worst still, he had refused to give quality education to our first child, who is already 24 years old.

“Ayoku had always argued that the Lord revealed to him that the girl should not be educated but should engage in petty trading.

“I have been solely responsible for the education of the child that is in school. “Instead, Ayoku keeps moving from one mountain to another for his so-called evangelism. Please my lord, give me custody of the two children for proper care,’’ the mother added.

The president of the court, Henric Agbaje, ruled that it was obvious that there was no more love between the couple, hence, the need for both parties to go their separate ways.

The arbitrator awarded the custody of the female child to Mary for motherly care.

He also directed that Ayoku takes care of the 16-year-old male child.
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