
What This ‘White Girl’s’ Parents Did To Her For Having A ‘Black Boyfriend’ Will Leave You In Tears

Allie Dowdle, a US student has raised more than $10,000 through crowdfunding after claiming that her mum and dad cut her off for having a black boyfriend. She says her parents refused to give her any more cash saying they didn’t approve of the relationship.

Writing on her GoFundMe page, Allie said:

“As I am 18, my parents have chosen to no longer support my future, stripping me of all my resources.” Allie says she and Michael Swift dated for around a year after first telling her parents but that the issue came to a head before Christmas after Michael approached her parents again.

She claims after that conversation, she was cut off by her parents and no longer has access to her personal savings, car and phone and can’t afford to pay for her education any more.

“My dad did not give me an option: he told me that I was not allowed to see Michael ever again,” she says.

“Why? Strictly because of skin colour. It wasn’t a quiet ‘no,’ either. I’ll never forget the yelling my parents did, when they expressed how disappointed they were in me, that I could do so much better. I did not know what to do.

I couldn’t comprehend how someone could be seen as less because of pigment. I still can’t comprehend it, and I never will be able to. How could my love for another person be wrong because of his skin colour? And why would that make me unworthy of a future I’ve worked so hard for?

Because my parents have listed me, their own daughter, as someone who is not worthy of their time and money, I have turned to the public for support.” Michael Swift now attends Clemson University in South Carolina.
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