
Ariana Grande get lip injections like Kylie Jenner?

Has Ariana Grande plumped up her lips like Kylie Jenner?

Ariana Grande had lip injections, MediaTakeOut claims
According to MediaTakeOut, the 22-year-old singer has a new look after allegedly getting some lip injections. The webloid even calls it ''her latest plastic surgery.''

The webloid posted an undated picture of Grande, along with a recent Snapchat screengrab trying to prove that her lips seem bigger than usual.

But according to GossipCop, the singer did NOT get lip injections, despite a new report and calls the previous report ''untrue''.

Cop claims MediaTakeOut's photo evidence can't be valid since the photo in question was taken some five years ago, in June 2010 when Grande wasn’t even 17 yet.

A rep for the singer-actress tells Gossip Cop exclusively, “There is no truth to this.”
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